Annual Meeting 2007

When: June 24-27, 2007
Where: Cochabamba, Bolivia


The SANREM Team spent a few days in Bolivia meeting with their research groups and then each Long Term Research Award presented their current findings. This meeting provided clarification for reporting requirements, such as TraiNet, as well as refreshed the team on the progress made thus far in the Phase III of the SANREM CRSP.

Sunday, June 24

Time Event
5:00 PM Individual Long-Term Research Activity meetings
SANREM EEP meeting
6:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks, S.K. De Datta, Associate Provost for International Affairs; Director, Office of International Research, Education, and Development; and Administrative PI for SANREM CRSP, Virginia Tech
7:30 Dinner, Casa Campestre
8:30 SANREM CRSP Annual Report and Meeting Overview, Theo Dillaha

Monday, June 25

Time Event
8:00 AM Welcome, Overview of Day’s Activities, Theo Dillaha
8:30 Watershed-based Natural Resource Management in Small-scale Agriculture: Sloped Areas of the Andean Region (LTR- 3), Jeff Alwang, Virginia Tech.
Sub-watershed “Jatun Mayu” River Tiraque, Ilich Figuroa.
Management of Plants and Soils for Sustainable Production in the Andean Region, Paul Backman.
10:00 Break
10:30 Adapting to Change in the Andean Highlands: Practices and Strategies to Address Climate and Market Risks in Vulnerable Agroecosystems (LTR-4), Corinne Valdivia, University of Missouri at Columbia.
Climate Summary: Integration of data across local and large scales to link within knowledge systems.
Livelihoods, Capitals, Markets, and Networks.
Changes in Community Perceptions, Management of Soil Quality and Soil Organic Matter, Peter Motavalli.
Peru Program Focus. Biodiversity and IPM/IDM, Cecilia Turin.
12:00 PM Break, lunch
1:30 Decentralization Reforms and Property Rights: Potentials and Puzzles for Forest Sustainability and Livelihoods (LTR-1), Krister Andersson, University of Colorado at Boulder; Jacqui Bauer, Indiana University; Esther Mwangi, International Food Policy Research Institute; Marty Luckert, CIFOR.
Descentralización de Reformas y Derechos de Propiedad, Rosario León.
3:00 Break
3:30 Developing a Participatory Socio-Economic Model for Food Security, Improved Rural Livelihoods, Watershed Management, and Biodiversity Conservation in Southern Africa (LTR-2), Alex Travis, Cornell University.
Food safety workshops, I and II, Carmen I. Moraru, Catalin Moraru, Elisabeth A. Bihn, Cornell University.
5:00 Open discussion
6:00 Adjourn
7:30 Banquet, Casa Campestre

Tuesday, June 26

Time Event
7:00 AM Gender, SA, and NRM Breakfast, Maria Elisa Christie, Gender Coordinator for SANREM CRSP, Virginia Tech
8:00 Agroforestry and Sustainable Vegetable Production in Southeast Asian Watersheds (LTR-5), Manuel Reyes, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University.
Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines Gender Component, Maria Elena Javier.
9:30 Cross-Cutting Watershed Modeling and Assessment Activity report and discussion, Conrad Heatwole, Virginia Tech
10:00 Break
10:30 SANREM business meeting, SANREM CRSP ME team.
A Tribute to Julia Pryde, Saied Mostaghimi.
TraiNet Issues and Responsibility, Keith Moore.
Telling the SANREM Story, Deanne Estrada.
11:15 USAID update, Chris Kosnik, SANREM CRSP CTO, USAID/EGAT/NRM
12:00 PM Annual Meeting Closing Remarks, S.K. De Datta
12:30 Lunch
1:30-4:00 Individual Long-Term Research Activity meetings and EEP questions

1:30 – LTR-1 and EEP
2:00 – LTR-2 and EEP
2:30 – LTR-3 and EEP
3:00 – LTR-4 and EEP
3:30 – LTR-5 and EEP

4:00 Technical Committee meeting, Chair Jerry Shively, Purdue University
5:30 Adjourn
7:30 Dinner. Gather at 7:15 for transportation to the restaurant in Cochabamba.

Wednesday, June 27

Time Event
8:00 AM Field trip to Tiraque site. Gather at 7:45 for departure promptly at 8.
EEP meetings with select LTR PIs if needed, separate transportation to field sites provided
5:00 Adjourn
7:30 Dinner, Casa Campestre

Location Selection

Cochabamba was selected for the SANREM CRSP 2007 annual meeting for two reasons. First, bringing host-country partners to the United States has become more difficult because of the J-1 visa restrictions. Second, three of SANREM's five Long-Term Research (LTR) Activities have sites in Bolivia. This opened up opportunities for visits to project sites during the meeting, greater participation of host-country partners, and opportunities for some partners to combine meeting attendance with activity research and coordination. Its convenient location, combined with the availability of PROINPA to coordinate details in-country, made Cochabamba a logical choice for the meeting.


PROINPA is a partner on the LTR-3 (Alwang) and LTR-4 (Valdivia) research teams. PROINPA is a non-profit organization working to promote technological innovation, food security, and the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources to benefit farmers. PROINPA generates and spreads knowledge, products, and services through collaboration with public and private organizations, including ministries, prefectures, municipalities, financial agencies, donors, foundations, companies, professionals, foundations, universities, and producer associations.

PROINPA is recognized in Bolivia and around the world for its contribution and commitment to agricultural development. Dynamic interaction with its surroundings contributes to efficient methods of conservation, the genetic patrimony of Bolivia, and the establishment of sustainable farming systems. This in turn contributes to food security, conservation of natural resources, competitiveness in the farming sector, and the reduction of rural and urban poverty. For more information, please see the powerpoint presenation about PRIONPA (ppt).