What is a “Training Participant?”

In information sent to Virginia Tech in 2009, USAID made the following distinctions for the use of TraiNet:

A "training participant " is defined in ADS 252 (usaid.gov/‌policy/‌ads/‌200/‌252.pdf) and 253 (usaid.gov/‌policy/‌ads/‌200/‌253.pdf) as:

"An eligible host country resident or national sponsored by USAID for a learning activity conducted within the U.S., a third country, or in-country for the purpose of furthering USAID development objectives. A learning activity takes place in a setting in which an individual (the participant) interacts with a knowledgeable professional predominantly for the purpose of acquiring knowledge, skills, or information for the professional or technical enhancement of the individual. Leaning activities may be formally structured, such as an academic program or a technical course, or they may be more informal, such as an observational study tour."

Helpful Hint:

Remember that for any training you do, you will need to update your Form 16 – Long-Term Degree Training or Form 17 – Short-Term Non-Degree Training. These are required for both the semi-annual and annual reports (April and October), so it is a good idea to add to your list while the information is fresh on your mind, so you won't be rushing to finish it before the reports are due.