Our program is structured through projects called Long-Term Research Activities (LTRAs) and Cross-Cutting Research Activities (CCRAs), as well as funding other types of awards, projects, and activities.
LTRAs are selected and granted to research teams who focus on sustainable agriculture research in different regions of the world. Host country partners and research sites are situated in countries with USAID missions/programs, significant food insecurity, and social/political stability required for quality research.
CCRAs synthesize selected findings of LTRA research across the globe.
Phase IV
Phase IV of the SANREM program is a $15 million initiative, which began in October 2009 and will continue through September 2014. The research theme for Phase IV is increasing smallholder food security and adaptation to climate change through introduction of conservation agriculture production systems (CAPS). CAPS knowledge and technological innovations generated from sustainable rainfed crop and livestock systems will address economic and social (including gender) viability, soil quality, water productivity, and other ecosystem services issues. For the full details, visit SANREMÂ Phase IV Research Activities.
Phase III
Virginia Tech was named as the SANREM CRSP ME in 2004, at the start of Phase III of the program. The transition to Phase III opened a more competitive phase in project selection. Under Program Director Theo Dillaha, the ME continued to apply the recommendations set forth by the NRC, striving to promote stakeholder empowerment and improved livelihoods through knowledge-based sustainable agriculture and natural resource management systems. For the full details, visit SANREM CRSP Phase III Research Activities.
Phases I – II
Phase I of the SANREM CRSP began in 1992. Management of the program was initially awarded to the University of Georgia for Phase I, and then again in 1997 for Phase II. For more information about these early phases of the SANREM CRSP, click to read about Phases I – II.