Vegetable Agroforestry Systems in the Philippines book now available


Cover of the book “Vegetable-Agroforestry Systems in the Philippines”

A book on SANREM CRSP’s research details vegetable-agroforestry systems work in the Philippines. The book, “Vegetable-Agroforestry (VAF) Systems in the Philippines,” includes research by scientists from SANREM’s Phase III.

The book shows that growing high value crops in the Philippines’ uplands can be done while protecting the environment. In the uplands, 10 million hectares of land are degraded from deforestation and other human activities, hurting the small-scale farmers who depend on the land for food and income.

Vegetable agroforestry (VAF) is the integration of vegetable crops with trees. Planting some vegetables near or under trees has the potential to increase production for small-scale farmers. In the Philippines, where commercial vegetable farms are a major income source, researchers investigated how proximity to trees affects vegetable yield and which varieties thrive in the shade.

The book has 21 chapters which are organized into four parts, starting with the context of VAF; followed by the science of VAF and complementary technologies; socioeconomic, policy and environmental dimensions of VAF; and ending with moving forward.

The authors and editors of the book. From left: Victor B. Ella, Delia C. Catacutan, Karika Kunta, Wanraya Suthumchai, Victoria Espaldon, Jean A. Saludadez, Miriam R. Nguyen.

The authors and editors of the book. From left: Victor B. Ella, Delia C. Catacutan, Karika Kunta, Wanraya Suthumchai, Victoria Espaldon, Jean A. Saludadez, Miriam R. Nguyen.

The research team was made up of scientists from ICRAF-World Agroforestry Center, AVRDC-World Vegetable Center, University of the Philippines Los Baños, De La Salle University, University of the Philippines Open University, Central Mindanao University, International Development Enterprise, Central Queensland University, University of California Berkeley, Virginia Tech, Texas A&M University, and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University,

Published by the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation and the World Agroforestry Center, the book was launched on January 27, 2012.

Purchasing Information

For additional questions about the book, contact Dr. Manuel Reyes,