A new book details SANREM studies and makes recommendations to significantly increase cacao production in Vietnam by growing the crop under cashew canopies. The book, “Vegetable Agroforestry and Cashew-Cacao Systems in Vietnam,” includes research by a team of scientists from LTRA-5. They sucessfully tested adding cacao, also known as cocoa, to cashew farming systems in Nghia Trung, Vietnam.
A team led by SANREM partners at Nong Lam University tested eight cacao varieties on farmer-owned cashew plantations and had promising results – cacao grew exceptionally well under the cashew canopy. In terms of the net present value per hectare, this cashew-cacao system will increase incomes by 159 percent compared to a pure cashew system.
The researchers also found that farmers save money if they grow home garden vegetables under the cashew canopy instead of buying the vegetables in the market. Growing high-value crops like vegetables also helps increase profits since growing trees alone does not provide immediate income. Researchers also found that cashew yields increased when vegetables were planted among the trees.
The book also gives information about gender-based divisions of labor. Men are dominant in growing commercial crops, and women produce crops for subsistence in home gardens. Vietnamese women rarely participate in agricultural extension activities because of their time-consuming household duties, and training sessions are not planned to accommodate their schedules. However, since women hold key roles in farming, the researchers worked with them and found that women can be better trained and empowered through an unscheduled informal approach than a traditional formal scheduled method.
The research team was made up of scientists from NLU in partnership with scientists from the World Vegetable Center and the World Agroforestry Center, North Carolina A&T State University, Texas A&M University, University of California, Berkeley, Central Queensland University, and MARS Incorporated.
Published by the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation and the World Agroforestry Center, the book was launched on January 6, 2011 during the Second International Soil and Water Assessment Tool Conference in Southeast Asia held in Ho Chi Minh City.
Purchasing Information
- To order in the United States, contact Dr. Manuel Reyes, mannyreyes@nc.rr.com
- To order outside of the United States, contact Dr. Samran Sombatpanit, sombatpanit@yahoo.com
The book costs $20 USD, which includes shipping.
For additional questions about the book, contact Dr. Dang Thanh Ha, dtha66@yahoo.com or Dr. Manuel Reyes